Monday, February 23, 2009


Back, many years before you were born,
An acorn fell upon the ground.
I began to grow, stretch my way to the sky.
It was quiet then, and peaceful.
My roots ran deep and healthy.
My leaves were green and vibrant.

The sky was always the bluest of blues, vibrant
As the day I remember being born.
The soil was so fresh and untainted, healthy.
I was free to spread out, no shortage of ground.
There was no noise, no rumblings, only peaceful
And restful silence in the sky.

Birds wheeled through the clear sky.
Their feathers shining in the sun vibrantly.
There were no cars or machines to break the peaceful
Quiet. I watched animals be born
As I grew through the clean ground.
I remained tall and strong as I pushed my healthy

Branches to heaven. But the air did not stay healthy.
Too soon the pollution seeped into the sky.
The earth turned toxic as the ground
Was infiltrated with pollution, no longer vibrant
Like it was when I was born.
The noise was deafening, no longer peaceful.

I longed for the past, days that were peaceful.
I was no longer healthy.
Some days I regretted that I was born.
The pollution caused the birds to fall from the sky.
My once vibrant
Leaves had dropped to the ground.

Now I can’t live because the ground
Trembles and is never peaceful.
The sky is never vibrant.
Corruption is the only thing that remains healthy.
My soul as dark as the sky.
I feel bad for the recently born.

The vibrant days of my past scattered on the ground.
I remember the days I was born, when everything was peaceful.
I await the day that the earth gets healthy and birds return to the sky.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Found poem

As I gaze at the horizon
A flash of fuchsia lingers from sunset.
Soon the luminous moon will rise
And the night goes on.

Some kind of voo doo envelops me as
I think of the one who is so essential to my every heartbeat.
His very essence is enough
To save me.

Before I experienced this wild thing,
I thought love was a contradiction.
Not believing in this feeling, intoxicating, enveloping.
Now my recovery has been set in motion.

Just one glance of the dark lights in his eyes
Makes my heart do somersaults.
A feeling as rare as a pink diamond,
As everlasting as a sterling silver rose.